Celebrating two Years of TRIO Job LIst
November 13, 2023
Post by Kurtis Griess, Founder of triojoblist.com
TRIO Job List turned 2 year old on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2023! I am beyond proud of what TRIO Job List has accomplished since its inception.
Total positions posted: 3030
TRIO Jobs Map views: 61,444
States/Territories: 50
Scholarships given/pledged: 34
Scholarship amount given/pledged: $3,350
Average monthly users: 1,200
Site views in last 28 days: 2,881
In top 2-3 search results in Google Search for "trio jobs" and "trio program jobs"
Instagram posts: 46
Stay up-to-date with the latest TRIO job openings by subscribing to the weekly newsletter (subscribe here) or following the Instagram page here.
If you have ideas to further improve TRIO Job List or if you have been using TRIO Job List and find it helpful - please shout out to me at triojoblist@gmail.com. I would love to hear your feedback.
TRIO Works! ~Kurtis