Celebrating One Year of TRIO Job LIst
November 16, 2022
Post by Kurtis Griess, Founder of triojoblist.com
TRIO Job List turned 1 year old on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2022! I am beyond proud of what TRIO Job List has accomplished this year.
Positions posted: 1,256
TRIO Jobs Map views: >18,000
States/Territories: 51
Scholarships given/pledged: 21
Scholarship amount given/pledged: $1,750
Average monthly users: 934
In top 2-3 search results in Google Search for "trio jobs" and "trio program jobs"
UB Work Study hours: 30
Instagram posts: 46
When I took the leap to start this project (after having the initial idea about three years ago), I hoped that it would benefit the TRIO community and those interested in joining our incredible family of talented, dedicated professionals. Little did I know I would actually end up using TRIO Job List to find my next TRIO position (which I started October 17 this year) as my family sought to relocate to new state (shout out to my first TRIO family in New Mexico/SWASAP and my new regional family in Missouri/EOA)!
The site has evolved a little, but the essentials are unchanged: simple-to-navigate lists of positions (by program and state) and a map to quickly identify opportunities geographically. Over time, as demand grows, I hope to continue improving the navigation and capabilities of the site.
The newsletter (subscribe here) has improved leaps and bounds. The initial format was very plain (see the screen print at the bottom), but with some inspiration from our Upward Bound summer work study student, it was greatly improved with graphics and color and more information. Our UB work study student also spearheaded the creation of our Instagram account and began to implement a strategy to increase awareness for TRIO career opportunities.
If you have ideas to further improve TRIO Job List or if you have been using TRIO Job List and find it helpful - please shout out to me at triojoblist@gmail.com. I would love to hear your feedback.
TRIO Works! ~Kurtis
The original newsletter!
The spruced up version! (Note: this is only part of the newsletter... it's a lot more detailed now)